"What is that one place or one thing that makes you forget everything? Is it a trip abroad or in your mind? A chick flick? Shopping? Scrapbooking? That perfect piece of pie? Everyone has that one thing or that one place that makes everything else disappear. Tell us about it."
My take is a bit different. As I was looking through photos I came across the one I used here on my layout. It shows my girls walking ahead of me, just a little further than they usually do. It made me think about their journey to independence and how their confidence builds a little more every day.
My journaling reads as follows:
"Watching the two of you becoming a little more independent each day brings my heart to a peaceful ESCAPE from normal mommy woes and wonders. Seeing you encourage each other to explore a little further brings me bittersweet joy. You're growing up so quickly right before my eyes and I'm so very proud of you both!"