Summer has been a whirlwind of activities. I haven't had even a chance to blog about even 1/2 of them! I need to catch up!! Back on August 6th, we took a trip to the NJ State Aquarium.

We love this place. It's full of lots of exibits and there are a lot of interactive things here as well.

The girls had a blast in the 'touch pools'. The water is FREEZING cold. They were able to touch starfish, shrimp and a few other critters. Ellie wanted, sooo badly, to pick up the starfish and give them a kiss. I was cracking up!!

Yeah.. there's this plexiglass TUNNEL that you walk through to get from one part of the aquarium to the next. You walk in and you're being transported under the sea. Imagine this thing coming at you as you scuba dive..........

Overall it was a great day. A little crowded but a great day just the same!!!