We had a fun Halloween! We always decorate a lot and have, pretty much, the best decorated house in the neighborhood. The girls had a blast trick or treating this year and Mackie was so exuberant about it that she was walking about 20 feet in front of us the whole time.
Mackie was a Lion and Ellie was a "Bat-Bunny" which was her own creation. She's 2 and knew exactly what she wanted!
Of course, our yard wouldn't be complete without our very own graveyard.

Ellie and Mackie had such a blast trick-or-treating. Here's a better shot at Ellie's Bat-Bunny wings. LOL!

Our house is always the coolest and best decorated for Halloween. We have so much FUN stuff!
Here's a shot of part of our graveyard:

I wish I had a better photo of our Jack-O-Lantern but this was the best I could do....

Upgrading the House
We're in the process of upgrading the house to ready it for selling. We've chosen a new washing machine, dryer and dishwasher to start off with and all of that will be delivered and installed this week. I am VERY happy to see the onset of the upgrading. Next we'll choose new counter tops, kitchen flooring and hardwood in the family room. We're going to get rid of the rug in there and go hardwood thru-out.
Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the upgrading YET... but as soon as it all starts, I will!
Veteran's Day 2006
This past Saturday we set up our WW2 Battalion Aid Station in Media, PA with 2 other friends. It was a large event which even the Governor of PA attended. There was a huge parade and the Mayor of Media, PA honoured the Medics of the military.
Photos coming soon!
It's nice to see you back with us Gabi! I've missed you. Don't stay away so much!
You mean you actually will leave all the new stuff for the future owners? Crazy Americans! ;-) We allways take those kind of things with us. Usually we leave only the things in the house that are fastened in the house and the rest goes out (curtains, carpets) only not the stuff in the garden....
Oh, I just love your graveyard!!!
I've missed you, and am glad to see you back!!
The Bat Bunny is SO cute. She had wings and everything! I love it!!!
Good luck with your house renovations!
Hi Doll! So glad to see things going well. LOVE the bat bunny - she's just too too cute.
Your graveyard is darling and I've got to commend you on the WWII for Veteran's Day. My dad was in a hospital in Germany during WWII having been shot during front line battle. Thank God for the medics who saved his life!
Love and hugs,
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