Here it is, 11pm, my kids are fast asleep in bed and Laura had JUST left. My husband was working last night so I was home alone. No one to watch the girls for me while I fumbled around outside in the mud, looking for my little dog.
I knew she was out of ear shot. She ALWAYS come tearing across the yard when she's outside and comes right away when I call her. Last night, I called and called. Whistled, clapped, squeaked her toys and even shook the treat can. (heck that works on TV, right?!) My ears received nothing but silence in return. I walked around the house calling out in every direction and finally gave up around 1:45AM. I got to bed around 2AM but, for obvious reasons, could NOT sleep. I tossed and turned, 1/2 asleep, 1/2 awake listening for any tell-tale sign of her return.
6.10AM. M'Kayla bursts in my room, "Mommy, I hear a dog barking" she said (mind you, she knew nothing about Zippity's Houdini act from last night). I got up, and we scurried downstairs and there, peering at me from behind the glass doors in the kitchen was a little MUDDY dog! ZIPPITY!!!
She was SO happy to see me that she burst in when I opened the door and tracked in mud! I grabbed her and we gave her lots of praise. LOTS OF PRAISE! I gave her a once-over for ticks and cuts, boo-boos etc. We then tossed her in the bathtub for a scrubbing. Usually she LOATHES the bathtub. This time she hardly made even so much as a fuss. She was exhaused from her 'night out' and promptly fell asleep after being brushed and blow dryed. With the nervous energy from the stressful, sleepless night, I created this layout about her ordeal and our joyful reunion!