I know that Spring has Sprung when my girls are outside running wild, playing in their sandbox, on their swingset and with their sidewalk chalk!! I am never far away poised with my camera and waiting for that perfect shot!
I'm all for Spring! The blooms, the longer evenings, the wild play outside that brings my girls to complete exhaustion!! They sleep later in the mornings, which is a blessing to me.
My favorite thing about Spring is the enthusiastic joy that it brings my family as we spend more time outside, together, laughing, playing and just enjoying each other's company.

So, CHEERS to the arrival of Spring, sunny play-filled days and togetherness!!
My goodness Gabi, I cannot believe how big the girls are getting? Spring is here as well. Everything is blooming; it's absolutely beautiful!
Such CUTE pictures of your daughters! We've had very nice weather, but tonight it went down the drain. They have predicted SNOW for tomorrow! I want spring to stay!!!!
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