I am still learning the settings on my new camera so the photos aren't exactly perfect. I hope to tweak the settings and try some more the next time we have a nice, bright sunny day. As you can see in some of the photos, myself and a tree behind me were causing shadows that I didn't really notice while taking the pictures. Another little lesson learned LOL!!

Over all, it was a pretty fun little photo shoot and the girls had a blast. I learned a lot about the camera and angles and such and have a starting point for the next photo shoot. My girls were so patient with me, I am so proud of them and happy that they enjoyed it as much as I did!
Hey fellow Jersey girl! (I'm in Union County) Love how your photos turned out, your girls are beautiful!
Have you heard of scrapper's cove (LSS), you're not too far from it, you should stop by if you haven't been there already. I'm going to start teaching there in January...stop in and check out the classes!
they turned out great! I love all the leaves.....and all that stone is amazing.
These look SO pretty!! That's a great setting!!!!
Gorgeous photos!
Love the fall leaves and setting! :)
ahm..I just keep looking at your girl in the brown and thinking...brr! rofl. Sweet pics, so happy they love a shoot - hope ours still love to ham it for the camera when they're as big as yours!
awesome photos Gabi!! I think that is an awesome spot. I will have to go over there too one day.
Let's go play photographer together one day.
The world is way too small! I used to DT for Scrapper's Cove and had submitted my app for the DT at SMIT for the term that you're on, but because I was already on an LSS DT, I couldn't do it (conflict of interest and all that). I recently submitted for the new call at SMIT but then got the teaching position at scrapper's cove. Too small I tell you!
I haven't been to the one in Old Bridge, but now I will definitely check it out!
oh WOW!!! gabi!!! i cannot imagine what you think is "not quite right" with the camera settings...LOOK OUT photography world when you get "good" at this...is all i can say!!! :)
(did those girls each grow like A FOOT TALLER since halloween?! holy macaroni they look soooooo gorgeous and GROWN UP!)
Nice photos Gabikins! You rock!
Those photos are gorgeous... Love them!!!! The girls are getting so big.. I am going to drag Indi and DH out this afternoon to do ours..
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