Ahh the summer.... lazy days, heat, humidity and PARADES!
We do several parades a year. This was our 1st time in the Rocky Hill Independence Day Parade.We drove our WWII ambulance this time. It was great weather UNTIL we go to the end of the route and the picnic got rained out!
Thank a Veteran for your freedom!
I love parades!!! Great pics!
That ambulance is just too cool. Can't wait until we can hagn out together again!!
I thank him daily --- i love my marine .. and i think it is wonderful that you all participate in the parades! :)
OMG, she lives! Was wondering where in God's green earth you've been!
You're back!!! YAY!!!!
Love the parades, too... Your ambulance is just such a cool thing It's even cooler that you guys put it to such good use...
Hugs, my dear!
Well the expalins a little about where the heck you have been all summer long!!! Missed you but that ambulance sure is cool!!!
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