Bailey is the queen of the turf here. She goes in and out as she pleases. She knows where her yard begins and ends and she obeys boundaries. I wish I could trust Zippity to behave as nicely! Zippity has been off-leash a few times and I must say, she has NEVER left the yard. She is a Jack Russell Terrier though, so I know that her attention may be caught by a deer or bird or other dog and then it'd be next to impossible to get her to obey. JRTs, when they set their mind to something, can block out the rest of the entire world. Hmmm I may just be part Jack Russell Terrier... what was that you said? Hahahahah!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Chew on this....
Does this look like the face of evil?
Well it IS! It was bound to happen. Zippity discovered her tie-out leash. Twice in 12 hours she has managed to chew THROUGH the heavy duty nylon on her flexi-lead and run free! She doesn't GO anywhere but since she loves being outside so much I let her out on the back porch to 'sun her buns' and enjoy the fresh air. She is always within complete view and I saw her chewing, but thought it was the greenie that I had given to her. NOPE! It was her friggin' lead. AGAIN.
*Sigh* She loves being outside and I hate to restrict her outdoor time to just walks and evening play, but if she is persistant about chewing through her leads, then I won't be able to allow her to sun herself out there. We live in a neighborhood which has no fences. We don't have an invisible fence for the dogs either but I think that when we move, I will invest in one. She LOVES being outside and I want her to have her 'freedom' to be out when she wants.
Bailey is the queen of the turf here. She goes in and out as she pleases. She knows where her yard begins and ends and she obeys boundaries. I wish I could trust Zippity to behave as nicely! Zippity has been off-leash a few times and I must say, she has NEVER left the yard. She is a Jack Russell Terrier though, so I know that her attention may be caught by a deer or bird or other dog and then it'd be next to impossible to get her to obey. JRTs, when they set their mind to something, can block out the rest of the entire world. Hmmm I may just be part Jack Russell Terrier... what was that you said? Hahahahah!!!!!!!
Bailey is the queen of the turf here. She goes in and out as she pleases. She knows where her yard begins and ends and she obeys boundaries. I wish I could trust Zippity to behave as nicely! Zippity has been off-leash a few times and I must say, she has NEVER left the yard. She is a Jack Russell Terrier though, so I know that her attention may be caught by a deer or bird or other dog and then it'd be next to impossible to get her to obey. JRTs, when they set their mind to something, can block out the rest of the entire world. Hmmm I may just be part Jack Russell Terrier... what was that you said? Hahahahah!!!!!!!
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What a cutie! Perhaps you could find a small chain type leash.
Oh Gabi, sounds like my two beasts. Any and every time they can get out of the yard, they bound! See, consider yourself lucky that yours stayed put! - Jaq
what a cutie!
seems like aiden and her would make good company.
Oh good golly miss molly! what a BEAST indeed!!! I can relate though, have had dogs my whole life and well we had an Akita that would just tear out and be gone! Must be the hunt in them I guess!!!
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