1. Where's the *&%$#(@ PACKING TAPE?! To pack, one must have PACKING TAPE! We have purchased several ROLLS of this so-called packing tape only to discover that it likes to cammoflage itself and hide amongst the STUFF, which makes it impossible to FIND when we are trying to make or close a box!
2. NOW Where's the *&^%$(@ PACKING TAPE?! The said tape, yet again, disappears. This time to another FLOOR OF THE HOUSE by way of a husband wandering while talking on the phone while playing with the sticky-ass tape. Yes we have more than one roll, but it seems that 3 are missing now and I refuse to open a 4th because the other 3 are hiding somewhere, most likely, in obvious sight.
3. Dammit where's the (#*#$^@( PACKING TAPE?! This time the tape has wandered off on two very short legs. It's on a BRIGHT red dispenser and that color is just irresistable to a 2 year old. I heard, "RIIIIIIIPPPPPPP" ... the sound of the tape screaming, "HELP ME! I'm being ABUSED BY A TODDLER!!" I ran into the room in time to find my 2 year old taping the fish tank. I asked her, "Hmm... Why are you taping the fish tank?" and she answered, "I dunno" and I asked "Do you think the fish tank needs tape?" She answered "I dunno." I said, "Can you give me the tape?" and she handed it over, with a huge grin. "Thank you. please don't take the tape again. We need it to make and pack boxes with, ok?" She exclaimed with her hands firmly set on her tiny hips, "I didn't take it, I BORROWED IT"
It only goes to say that eveel spawns eveel. MUHAHAHAH!!
Very funny commentary Gabz. You DO have a knack with words! - Jaq
OMG that is too darling!!! Are our kids related???? ;-)
So there!!!!
what a cutie! i can't kepe any packing tape, either. :(
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