What a great place for that bug-lover in your life! It's full of displays of real and well, not so real anymore, bugs! Everything is displayed so perfectly. The girls had a blast playing in the ant tunnel!

There were a few art-inspiring moments......... I found these displays of colorful butterflies. I'm sure I'll find a way to incorporate these photos into scrapbooking art!!

Mackie and the giant Millipede.

Ellie and the Hissing Cockroach

Mackie with a 'walking stick' on her elbow

Ellie holding a tarantula.

The girls loved interacting with these live critters. I was very happy to be occupied with a camera so I didn't 'get a chance' to hold one. Hahahah!!!
Jesus woman... I got goose pimples just looking at those photos... UGH!!! I HATE BUGS!!!
I feel them crawling all over me. Where is that?
Yay! Buggies!
OMG............. You are a rocking mom....I avoided all those insect type things with my kids...ewwww....and then to let hold them too??? EWWWWWWWWWWw.....good for you to be strong enough to take them...
So very glad that my children don't like bugs. Now, my daughter IS into snakes and rodents. Me, not so much but honestly, can do snakes and rodents better than insects.
Taylor. Well, he despises them all!
ick buggies.
Your girls are truly unique little girls loving bugs the way they do! And, truth be told, that is AWESOME! I could NEVER have held anything (except maybe the walking stick one) they held!!! I try very hard to not show my boys my disgust for bugs so that they are not afraid of them...and good for you for doing the same!!! eeeeeeeeeeeew!!!!
ok, i don't have a BUG THING...but i dunno if i'd've held a spider bigger than my head!!! :) your girls are awesome!
I don't think I would have ever even thought to search for a bug museum.
My kids would love it.
So cool...I really need to get Caleb over there.
These are great pictures! But I'll have to admit that bugs really creep me out! I guess if I had a Mom like you they wouldn't "bug" me. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. You are so smart exposing your girls to everything! You are a model Mom!!
oh-oh-OH!!! I got goosebumps just LOOKING at the PICTURES! Ok, this is a place I could definitely NEVER go to... I know Brian and Cesar would love it, but I definitely won't ever mention it!
I have no idea how i missed this post! What totally awesome pictures, what fun, they don't look creeped out at all like i would be ... LOL
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