And there she is in all her glory! We purchased this beauty from a WW2 veteran who just wasn't able to drive her as often anymore. He didn't want the jeep to fall to neglect. We found out about it from a mutual acquaintance before he even listed it for sale!
So now we have the Wc54 1942 Ambulance and the 1944 Willys MB. The next vehicle we would like to purchase is a Staff Car! Every day we get a little closer to getting the museum organized, ready to get into a building and on display! It's a lot of work to organize and catalog everything but will be soooooo worth it in the long run!
Oh Gabikins, I certainly hope that you reach your dream! How wonderful will that be when it happens?
Wow my friend I'm so excited for you!!! I sure can't wait until you get that museum up and running and my family will be close to first in line!!! Bwahahahaha....can't say first because who knows what'll be going on by then; if we lived closer then YES I WOULD BE!!!
This is so exciting!! Can't wait to see yu. I have so much to share with you.
Love you!!
Where do you get all you energy!?! This is thrilling. Where will the museum be located?
Thanks for all the great comments on my blog! And if you miss the horse circuit, we do shows in NJ. Perhaps even close to you guys! I'll let you know next year. You and the girls are most welcome!!!
Have a great weekend!
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