Ok... so you all know that I love this guy. I can't help it. There's something about him that gets me. I think he's 'da bomb'!
I am SO happy that he won!! I have supported him since day 1. He has a very active fan club and his down to earth personality is what won me over. I love his gravely vocals and his 100% SOUL!
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, TAYLOR ( yeah as if you read MY blog....in my dreams! )
I'm glad your guy won. I wouldn't want to be around you if he hadn't!! LOL.
HAHAH! yeah.. if he hadn't... I sure woulda been one mean MF and of course, you'd suffer greatly because YOU would be directly in my path of destruction! LMAO!!! ;)
We can all breathe a sigh of relief, it's safe! LOL!!!
I will be next in line behind you to buy his cd. SO SEXY, that voice!
I love him too!!! Go Taylor!
Don't make me hunt you down and maim you Gabi! Chris was the man and I still love him! Got him as a ring on my cell phone now! So call me! hehe
Well, if this guy is as good as you think he is in the end I might even know who he is. Right now, I do not have a clue.
Idols...sorry, it is not my thing. Our first winner (male) is doing musicals, the second I do not hear of any more (male) and the third (woman) is pregnant I think. Surprisingly the first runners up are all doing better. But eh, I do not watch a lot more then CSI and the real news.....;-)
Hi! I found your blog through the Soul Patrol mailing list. I was drawn to it because you mentioned you were moving to a town that's just a few miles away from me. So awesome to meet a nearby Taylor fan - I was starting to think my one coworker and I were the only ones who "got it." Can't wait for the tour :)
Wow Gabz I'm waaaay behind reading your blog sistah!
Taylor isn't bad looking I guess! I only watched AI when they had all those dorks on mostly b/c I loved a good laugh!!!
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