I went grocery shopping last night. I went grocery shopping on an empty stomach. BAD girl. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD GIRL!!! I got hung up in the ice cream aisle. They were restocking. I was good at 1st.... I walked over, got the ice pops for the girls and was leaving but then I saw it. A big box labelled "BEN AND JERRY'S". I lingered, waited, hung out, even loitered..... waiting for them to unpack it. It was about 3 minutes. Not TOO long but it was terribly obvious what I was doing. *sigh* They popped open the box and started shelving the product. It was a kind I had never seen......'Vermonty Python' "Coffee Liquer Ice Cream with a Choclate Cookie Crumb Swirl & Fudge Cows"

OMG! My eyes just about popped out of my head. Not only was it a NEW FLAVOUR, but it was ON SALE! 2 for 1. *sigh* I caved! I crumbled and I grabbed 2!!! I got home, put the groceries away, got the girls fed and in bed and turned on American Idol. *sigh* Taylor has always been and always will be MY American Idol.

Oh.. sorry got sidetracked there for a sec. Where were we? Ahh... yes.. the Vermonty Python ice cream.....
Well I decided to forego my dinner last night so that I could indulge in a scoop! That's just what I did. I savored each and every bite! It is the BEST and most DELICIOUS ice cream I have EVER HAD! I like other Ben and Jerry's flavours ("Cherry Garcia" and "Everything but the?" ) but those other's are NOTHING compared to "Vermonty Python"! I swear, this flavour was taylor made, JUST FOR ME. It's truely a Pint of Sin! One that I'll be partaking in as often as my diet allows until they retire it (which I hope will be NEVER!)
*sigh* It's in the freezer, taunting me, teasing me and just waiting for me..... Mine... MINE.... ALLL MINE!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First let me commend you for ONLY EATING ONE SCOOP!! (I probably would have consumed the entire pint!)
I can't wait to try this one out, it sounds PERFECT as I loooove those flavours myself! Oooooh you enabler!!!!!! hehehehe
OK, THANKS. I am now sitting here with a watery mouth and no ice cream in sight! What to do, what to do!?!?!?
Next...I SO hope Taylor wins. He's the bomb, BABEEEE! I want him to come and sing to ME! :) :) BUT, the purple velvet jacket DID need to go. I so snorted when Simon said that about his jacket.
sounds like something my husband would like. I only like my coffee as coffee. I don't like it in my ice cream.
Sounds wonderfully delicious! I can't wait to hit S&S for a pint or two! and yes I did notice the other day they were on sale so bonus!
Good thing I don't like Ben & Jerry's. I know, I know, I'll get flak for that later. I love ice cream, don't get me wrong, but it's like my pizza. I don't like fuufuu pizza and I don't like fuufuu ice cream.
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