There's something about watching these guys doing their jobs, day in and day out without faltering. They withstand the most dreaded weather conditions imaginable. I could not imagine having one of my family members out on one of those fishing rigs. I think I would be a complete wreck! This is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. They get paid per pound of crab they catch. If they have a bad season, they have a bad paycheck. If they have a good season, their life-risking efforts are greatly rewarded. I'm addicted. It's an amazing show of comradarie, endurance and just pure HARD WORK!

I've never heard of it. But, I just can't get sucked into another show; I can't I tell you, I can't!!!!!!
Oh, Gab! This is my dh and ds show! They sit together and watch it (are they airing this like everyday, now? It cerirtainly feels like they do!) as we all clean the kitchen (since they do most of the work, they can watch whatever they want!). I usually watch some of it, but the other day, when they had to be airlifted b/c of the accident... darn! that was scary! I can't stomach it, I just get so nervous!
OMGosh Gabi! We totally LOVE that show! What a horrible job! I cannot imagine.
I just love how you bring things under my attentions that I have never heard of or thought about...! I am so curious to see what you come up with every time! And I want to know how you get the picture between your text!
Gabi you are right that show ROCKS! We got sucked into it last year when they only had like 2 episodes of it!! It is truly everything you said. I loved one episode when they played a gag on each other, it was great to see they took it all with a grain of salt!!!!
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