If there's one thing I never tire of, it's pumpkin picking. This is a good thing because I never feel the need to hurry the girls along. We take our sweet, sweet time looking over each and every pumpkin, looking for that 'perfect' one.

I actually didn't plan these outfits to coordinate with the pumpkin patch trip, it just sort of worked out that way. My inlaws came up for lunch and we all decided, while at the restaurant, that we'd hit the patch on our way back to the house. It was a splendid idea! The girls looked ever so cute in their matching dresses and it made for such a nice photo shoot

M'Kayla feels the need to hug and touch every single pumpkin, often kissing them and telling them how much she loves them. I love her sensitive, sweet heart. She's a very affectionate child towards people, animals and even, as you see here, vegetation!

The moment we parked the car, before she even got out, Ellie had her eye on one specific pumpkin. The moment she was unclipped from her car seat she ran straight for it and picked it up, proclaiming loudly, "I want THIS one!"

She walked around the patch, carrying this one pumpkin until her daddy relieved her of it. Even then, she kept an eye on it to be sure it was the SAME one she had originally chosen. It's displayed, proudly, in our foyer and will NOT be carved because it's hers and just too precious to her!
I got a great big pumpkin to carve and can't wait to proudly display it!
Oh, my goodness, GABZ!!!! These pictures are AWSOME!!! Your girls are SOOO lovely, I know they would get along with Coco sooo well (minus the bugs :)
We haven't gotten {yet} to the pumpkin patch, but we MUST do it this weekend. I've NEVER carved a pumpkin before, I am SO looking forward to doing so!
Oh Gabi, they are beautiful and I love their natures. Both of them are so unique and precious!
M'Kayla reminds me of me as a child. I used to do the same thing to pumpkins, dolls, stuffed animals you name it. If I petted one or talked to one, I had to do it to all of them lest someone (or something) feel left out. LOL
These pictures are just precious. Love your stories. Thanks heaps for sharing your family with us!
How cute! I can't believe that we haven't gotten any pumpkins yet. I had better get on that ASAP!!
That picture of the pumpkins is AWESOME! Our day at the patch wasn't as bright and cheery.... hence no awesome pumpkin shot! (Can I borrow yours for my scrapbook??? LOLOL)
Girls are adorable and cute as always!!! (you too!!)
LOVE the pumpkin photos!! I just love any pictures with pumpkins--the deep orange just brings out so much in kids! I haven't hd a chance to go the Pumpkin Patch yet, but I HAVE to before Halloween so I can get some good pics of my 2-y-old.
Great post!
Look at all those wonderful pumpkins! You guys match so well, all that reddish hair and orangish dresses. So cute.
I love those pics!
the girls dresses are adorable
can't wait to see your pumpkin!
I just love the picture of you and your girls. It has such a wholesome look! I can't wait till Bryce is old enough to go and pick out his very own pumpkin (next year).
I just love all these pictures of the pumpkins! Your girls are so adorable! Love how Ellie kept her eye on HER pumpkin - what a scream! I LOVE pickin pumkins as well. It's so much fun. Can't wait to see a picture on the carved pumpkin!! Take care Gabi! XOX
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