Scrappin' Mojo Blog Prompt ~ April 4th, 2007I love my scrap space. Unfortunately at the moment it's being used as a holding room for all the boxes we're packing. The boxes sit in there until we have time to load the van and take them over to the storage unit. At the moment, there are about 25 huge boxes in there, waiting for transport. See the tower of Club Scrap and Scrapgoods boxes on the left side of the picture? It goes from the floor all the way to the ceiling and I have another 1/2 tower about my height next to it on the other side! LOL 5 years worth of Club Scrap ( I did use it... but not ALL of each kit so they all still have things in them. )
We all have a space in which we scrapbook, whether it be the kitchen table, dining room table, coffee table, counter tops or your own Scrapbooking room. Let's blog today about our scrap spaces. What do you love about it? Hate about it? If you're so inclined, show a picture so we can see where you create!

The Mannequin is "Commander MacTodd" and he's wearing a Star Trek uniform of my husband's. He's awaiting transport to the storage unit too! All of the stuff on the back wall on the shelves are my husband's models. I am currently scrapping on my computer desk in my family room area. It's a small area, kinda cramped with the computer monitor on my desk along side my HP Officejet All-In-One and my Paper tray (completely a MESS) and my Cricut! I LOVE MY CRICUT!! the area is a mess and I really need to clean it up.
The pros of having this area as my scrap space is that it's here, in the family room, which is also the girl's playroom. It's right off the kitchen and I have a clear wide view of my entire back yard. The girls can play on their swing set, or sand box and I can see them.

The cons of this little area are that it's cramped, not a lot of room to spread out and when I drop something, it generally gets lost in the dark vortex under my desk! LOL
Though I miss my big scrapbooking room, my shelves, 2 tables, room for 3 to scrap. I do like this little intimate space because it's in the center of the house and I can keep an eye on everything from this central point.
Which is why I opted for a space in the family room rather than adding a room onto the house!
I love being in the hub.
I hope you have a space again we can create together. I had a blast on Friday & truthfully the tray tables worked just fine.
Oh my... I love that you worry about seeing outside too.... I picked my room so I could see the kids outside too!
Wow can you say materialistic...your a collector of don't need floor to ceiling boxes of crap to say "yes I'm loved" get rid of the crap.. theres more to life than whats in a box...and not all lifes wonders fit in a box...
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