It's been raining HARD here lately. Our part of NJ is constantly in the News. (Bound Brook, NJ and Manville, NJ) go take a peek if you have a minute.
About 2 weeks ago, Bound Brook had flooding over 6 feet on Main Street. 100s of people and businesses were, literally, washed into ruin. This has happened before ( Hurricane Floyd) but I guess you can just never be prepared for such a catastrophe. We had a few dry days, but nothing long enough to let the canal levels go down again so this rain storm, last night into today, has once again, flooded Bound Brook and parts of Millstone and Manville. Our town is the next town up from there and we're a little higher up from the Canal. We're not flooded here but our town is sort of an island, so to speak, since the roads surrounding us are flooded and we're sorta stuck here. (National Guard mans the flood zones and doesn't let anyone drive thru it. Yes. People are actually STUPID enough to drive thru the deep water. NOT smart, lemme tell ya! )
I didn't realize that it had flooded again until I got to the girl's school this morning and the parking lot had about 4 inches of water flooding it. There were only 3 cars there, so by deduction, I figured it out... No School today. I sure wish I had known that before I got SOAKED while herding the girls into the car and into their car seats this morning. I was completely drenched and cold and just not in the best mood.I was supposed to pick up my friend's dog to watch her this weekend at around 11AM but I decided to skip over there and get the dog before the roads got flooded and the traffic got horrendous. I got home around 9:45 and we haven't left the house, nor will we!
I have made myself comfy at my scrapbooking table, the girls are playing nicely with the dogs, Legos, Blocks, Playdoh and My Little Ponies!
It's been a great day to be creative!

OMG Gabz I love the layouts.. So sorry to hear about the flooding.. Laura was telling me a bit about it last week I think..
ON the upside. We are in a drought over here so when you come you can dry back out again LOL!!
wow, and I thought we got lots of rain. I'm glad you were able to stay put after you realized you didn't need to go anywhere. Way to make the best of a rainy day.
great layouts by the way!
Gabz, love, love, love these layouts. I am going to scraplift two of them.
Oh rain rain go away......
Great layouts (as usual!!) Love the colors! And I LOVE the dog on the little bike!! OMG how stinkin cute is that???!
So neat!!! I love that you are making such good things with your "imposed" free time! Great LOs! and so sweet of you to help your friend! Can I send my Diggy boy one of these days???
Hugs, dear!
Gabi I just love all the great stuff you are creating these days. You have kept me inspired & in the zone.
Love you!!
HOLY SCHMACK that is alot of rain woman. HOPE YOU ARE HANGIN ON TO SOMETHING! I hate you had to get out in all that with the kiddos. LOVE the pages you did though.
much fun while its raining!
OMG i love the dog riding the toy!
As my FIL would say .. time to start building your ARC so you can get across the street!
Stay dry!
Again, great LO's Gabz! My favorite is the one with the girls and your dog...too cute.
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