Part III of the new Studio Friday mini series looked at from an artist's perspective in a different angle and light: "The Seven Deadly Sins"
This week's topic for Friday April 6th: Sin #2: GREED!
This is an ugly one as well....uuuuh! What is it you are greedy about or feel greedy about? Is it material or is it a behavior? Are you greedy for emotions? Do you hoard? How do you want to change for the better? It can be small steps or do you rather take a big step to change?

Looking at this from an artist's standpoint, I knew exactly which way to go with this week's topic! I'm not so much greedy. I love to share my supplies with my scrappin' buddies. I do, however, hoard certain embellishments and papers. My 'greed' seems to lie with Primas, Rub-Ons and Pattern Paper! This photo only shows that which is currently on my desk. I have more than 15 jars of different Primas and Bazzill flowers and a huge drawer full of rub-ons! Some people 'collect' scrapbooking supplies. I admit that I do hoard them, BUT, I USE my hoard on a daily basis!
it's all good since you use them everyday! ;)
those flowers look yummy! :)
I hoard things too. Then, years later, I look at it and either throw it away, give it away or start using it. Go figure.
Isn't it odd how we all hoard different things? At least you have jars to organize some of your stuff. I seem to just stack stuff in boxes or stuff into kraft envelopes.
I'm glad you use your stuff everyday. Give to get, right?
I so can realte to this. I wouldn't say I hoard the stuff, because like you I use it all the time. The thing that makes it seem greedy for me is that no matter how much I have...I always seem to want more scrap supplies. So I am right there with you!!
oh I can certainly understand those flowers - so beautiful in their containers that I wouldn't use them either!
Hoarding supplies seems to be a common theme this week. There's so much nice stuff, it's hard to resist. It's good that you use them though.
Guilty as charged! I can totally relate, my friend! Although, I must say, I do not have 15 jars of Primas!!! I guess I'm a "greedy" person on a scale!
I've not done much scrapbooking, but love to collage. I can appreciate the cute elements you add to your pages. At least you have cute stuff to hoard!
Wow, with all my browser issues I missed some GREAT STUDIO FRIDAYS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
I love to share my supplies too, I hoard I admit it! I have waaaay too many flowers as well but they are so BEAUTIFUL and I don't get an opportunity to use them much with 2 boys.....sooo, do you needs some? ;)
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