Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Washing-machine Woes

My 2 year old decided to 'help' with the laundry today. *sigh* When I went to grab stuff from her hamper in her room, she decided to toss into the washer, 3 diapers. Needless to say, I didn't NOTICE until the cycle was finished and I opened the lid................... what did I find??????????????????????
DIAPER SLUDGE (thank GOD they were NEW diapers and not used! GROSS!) You know that gel-type stuff that absorbs the moisture?? Well Eeeegads............ Umm it didn't quite hold up to an entire washing machine full of WATER! All of the clothes were COVERED in this, thick, slimy GEL! I about had a heart attack! Right now it's re-washing and I really hope it all comes off and doesn't harm the washing machine!!??
Does this look like a little devil to YOU?
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Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem to me that something that cute can possibly do anything an heinous as put diapers into a washing machine. I think you must be mistaken!

Cheryl Wray said...

Ooh, yucky!! I can just imagine--I hate that gelly, yucky stuff that makes diapers!
But what a CUTIE She is!!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

OMG!!! I hope you took a picture! You could start your own book on all her devilish tricks. Think how fun that would be to read when she is about 20. :)

Loreluca said...

Yup, this is the stuff that teenage blackmail is all about!!! Take pics, scrapbook them and then, when she's having a fit at 16 b/c she want to go to a party, threaten with showing them to her friends!!! But in the meantime, kiss those beautiful cheeks and eyes!!!!

Artful Creations by Tracie said...

I don't see any devil!!!

Your story reminds me of a time when my boys got into an entire container of baby powder and had it all over their room...however, being still a new mom I got upset and didn't find it funny (no pics of the event to say the least, what kind of a scrapbooker am I?!) Sigh....