Sunday, July 02, 2006

Two Peas in a Pod

Two girls, a little over a year apart. In the early years of growing up, pretty much despised eachother. "She's FOLLOWING ME!" one would tattle, while the other would exclaim, "She's LOOKING AT ME!" They grew up close, as close as sisters. Much of the time in the same house, fighting about who's doing this and who's not doing that. Tattling endlessly. One day, IT happened. Something changed, they clicked and that was it. 2 peas in a pod happened. They were inseperable. They found common intrests, talked endlessly for hours and laughed their butts off 24/7. All she has to say is "Flying Squirrels" or "My fish popped!" and all I have to say is "Dick Nash" or "Danang" and we're rolling on the floor laughing until we're practically crying!
We were inseperable for YEARS, always together, slumming (playing down by the Raritan River) swimming, watching Simon & Simon, and just having some sort of underlying understanding of eachother.
Though we live very far apart now, one on the West Coast and one on the East Coast, we are always able to pick things up where we left off immediately.
2 Peas in a Pod; 2 cousins, raised together, laughing, fighting and feeling just like sisters.


Kamsin said...

It's great to have close relationships based on a shared history, so even when the physical cloesness isn't there any more the emotional bond is just as strong!

Michelle said...

You've reminded me that I did once have a fellow pea...I had been thinking of failed romances.

My childhood best friend and I used to laugh so hard that we would careen dizzily into walls, howling. I miss that. She lives in Grand Cayman now, and I am in Texas.

Oh to find that once more!

I enjoyed your story.

Debbie said...

Wonderful story Gabi! I sure wish I would have had one of those when I was little! The great thing is today with the internet and digital cameras and the like, friends separated by the entire continental US can still keep in close contact! I'm still waiting for them to figure out how to make a "transporter" so we can beam back and forth! I've wanted to thank you for all your marvelous comments on my blog. This may sound pitiful, but when you wrote me that you cruised my blog regularly you made my day (for days!!) Here you are, not Kerri (the friend who nagged me into doing it) or even a relative! Wait a minute, none of my relatives believe in my work so they don't visit anyway - see - it's really cool that you do! I have a very loud inner critic and if not for my friend Kerri I would have never done a blog. I'm sorry your horse Yataz is so far away! They are magical creatures aren't they? Have a great fourth and take care!

Anonymous said...

I also miss my childhood pea, although it's been an awfully long time since any contact has been made.

I enjoyed reading your take on the Sunday Scribble. =) You're lucky to have a fellow pea!


January said...

What a great story. It's funny how a friendship can click overnight.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Can't wait to explore your site.

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious how the people we most want to run away from when we're small can become those who become our much cherished friends, just in the snap of your fingers!

Thanks for sharing your story.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

how sweet! Love that kind of laughter!

Daisy Lupin said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my two peas in a pod' story. I have just read yours. Its fascinating how many different interpretations we have all made from this phrase.

Cate said...

Oh, this was just a lovely tribute to your relationship with your cousin! I'm an only child and my cousin and I are six months apart, practically raised together. We, unfortunately, lost our connection over time and distance. It was refreshing to read about a tie that remained strong!

You've inspired me to pound out an email to my cousin! Thank you for your this wonderful post! xo

wendy said...

seems with cousins theres just enough in common..and just enough room to grow.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet story. Hope you continue to be peas in a pod !

Artful Creations by Tracie said...


I never had a sister, my mom has SIX! Her oldest sister had 3 children, 1 girl 2 boys (same as my mom). My cousin and I are only 18 months apart and we are as close as sisters! It's Awesome!!

I remember my childhood pea, her name was Debbie. I miss her dearly! She moved when we reached HS and after we moved, I never seen her again. I miss my pea!!

Anonymous said...

I had such a cousin. But I was born in September and she in November so we were a schoolclass apart. Because the school was tiny we were in the same classroom once every two years.
In high school we were not so close anymore but after I got married she let me down terribly...

I think internet and e-mail is great; I have great friends all over the world but I miss someone just to drink a cup of coffee with or hang out with...